Agencies-Gaza post
Perfect meal for weight loss
Dr. Lauren Manakir, an American nutritionist, explained that oatmeal soup is an ideal meal to reduce weight but should be added to it walnuts, fruits, and chia seeds.
Oats are one of the best foodstuffs for those who care for their health and monitor their weight because oats provide a range of health benefits – improving the functioning of the digestive system and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Oats can be made healthier and more useful by adding some ingredients to them, such as nuts, fruits, and chia seeds.
She added, “Walnuts contain three essential nutrients, which help reduce weight – useful fats, protein, and dietary fibers, which help to feel full for a long time, and this is a measure of a healthy breakfast.”
She said that a handful of nuts (30 grams) contained four grams of protein, two grams of dietary fiber, and 18 grams of fat beneficial for heart health and also it contains omega-3 fatty acids that stimulate metabolism and regulate insulin secretion.
According to which fruits can be added to oat soup, for example, half a glass of raspberries contains about 5 grams of dietary fiber, blueberries on eggs, and strawberries on 1.5 grams.
She said, “Fruits, a source of low-sugar index carbohydrates, provide the body with a large amount of dietary fiber and other nutrients that help weight loss.”
She added chia seeds to oat SOUP because two tablespoons of chia seeds contain five grams of protein and which is roughly equivalent to the amount of protein in chicken eggs, and nine grams of dietary fiber, which is equivalent to two apples.
She concluded, “Shea seeds make oat soup more nutritious, they extend the period of feeling full, which prevents feeling hungry shortly after eating breakfast.”