Agencies-Gaza post
What is secret of storming massive hordes of jellyfish to Israel?!
There are a massive number of hordes of jellyfish spotted swarming around Haifa, and there is a number of causing that.
However, there are other reasons to consider, especially ones that are the result of humans.

The Nature and Parks Authority reported that some of the manmade actions that could contribute to the large influx of jellyfish include climate change, sewage polluting the waters and the harm to the population of some jellyfish predators like sea turtles and sunfish.
Especially, the latter can see jellyfish populations increase in number without natural predators.
As for where exactly Israel’s jellyfish come from, that was appeared in the latest study by the University of Haifa, which revealed that they seem to originate from the eastern side of the Nile River Delta in Egypt, though not from the river itself.
These jellyfish can be found all over the eastern Mediterranean Sea, too, and not just in Israel.
There are a massive number of different jellyfish species in Israel, but the most popular is the nomad jellyfish, an invasive species in the region originating from the Indian and Pacific oceans that came to the region
Could jellyfish be dangerous?
The first answer is yes, as jellyfish are infamous for their stingers that can be painful and in some cases fatal or life threatening.
The second answer is that it depends.
Many kinds of jellyfish are absolutely harmless, lacking tentacles that can sting or lacking stingers at all. As such, they can simply be an odd and sometimes even beautiful sight to see in the water.
On their own, they aren’t dangerous at all, though the jellyfish that are dangerous are another story, and beachgoers should be careful not to get stung, especially not far out in the water.
Besides, it should be noted that the jellyfish that frequent Israel cannot kill someone with their stingers, though getting stung by one while swimming and very far out in the water could still be dangerous, as a swimmer could be incapacitated.
However, jellyfish can also pose other dangers beyond stinging.
Jellyfish waves can make damage to the environment as due to their large numbers untampered by predators, they may pose competition for other marine life.
Besides, they can also cause economic damage.
The Nature and Parks Authority said that jellyfish could clog the pumps at desalination plants and even the cooling areas at power plants, such as the one in Hadera.
In addition to their presence in the water, not only are swimmers and beachgoers at risk of being harmed but so are fishermen.
The Nature and Parks Authority asserted the need to find a way to minimize the problem – something that will need creative thinking and a pooling of considerable resources for the necessary research.
If you do get stung by a jellyfish, however, you should make sure to know the burn and wash the area with seawater or vinegar.
Source: here