Agencies-Gaza post
Many diseases and injuries necessitate stopping or avoiding driving a car because driving is an activity that needs a great deal of focus, which a person may lose or reduce as a result of some diseases.
According to “Russia Today”, Russian doctor Andrei Kondrakhin advised those suffering from an acute viral infection in the respiratory system to avoid driving.
He said that if the respiratory system is infected with an acute viral infection, which is accompanied by a rise in fever, poisoning, headache, and sweating, these symptoms are signs of inflammation, which leads to poor attention and senses in general, which is dangerous when driving.
He added that if a person feels ill and is unable to do some duties that demand more concentration and attention, he is not permitted to drive a car. These symptoms may include dizziness or poisoning caused by infectious illnesses.
Driving is also prohibited in life-threatening situations, according to Kondrakhin, who adds that those with acute coronary heart disease, which produces significant chest discomfort and high blood pressure and may precede a stroke, are not allowed to drive.