Agencies-Gaza post
Sharks threaten online world in Ocean depth
Internet cables spotted in the oceans join the world’s nations, forming the undisputed Internet column, although some think that satellites are the main carrier.
There is a significant challenge around extending these very long cables deep into the ocean and their formative processes and keeping them from threats from fishermen’s nets and stubborn shark attacks.

These cables are transported and installed using technical submarines that are installed with superior precision in the ocean’s bottom to maintain signal strength and are placed after a layout that may take one year or more to avoid underwater hazards such as resistance to heavy currents, rock slides, earthquakes, and others.
The first cable was installed in 1988, with a total length of more than 1 million and 200 thousand kilometers, and Google is investing in 19 a cable out of 400 underwater cables.
According to a video posted on YouTube on Sunday by Al Arabiya, dozens of these cables are damaged almost every year as a result of high pressure from tons of water on top of them or threats from marine organisms such as shells, so there are special submarines with some robots repairing them.