Agencies-Gaza post
Some vegetables make bones stronger
Bones have great importance and an essential role in the human body, they constitute strength and are very important for health and vitality. They must be taken care of throughout all stages of life.
The human skeleton gives its distinctive and solid shape to the body and relates to the skeleton’s muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and the bones are the axis of movement in the human body.
Some experts said that osteoporosis begins with age and, this weakness occurs at an early age of 30s, which means the importance of taking care of bone health and eating food that supports the skeleton.
According to studies, regular exercise, eating healthy, and getting the right nutrients are things that can help in getting stronger bones.
According to EAT THIS NOT THAT health website, dark leafy vegetables are one of the best vegetables that can be eaten to help prevent or slow bone loss.
Nutritionists referred to several types of leafy greens that can be relied upon in daily food such as cabbage spinach, cabbage, Roman, Swiss chard, and dark leafy vegetables.
Dark leafy vegetables contain high levels of calcium including kale, broccoli, cabbage, and bok choi.
According to the National Health Association, although spinach is very healthy, it contains oxalate that can negatively affect calcium absorption, so spinach is not always a good source of calcium for bones.
Source: HERE